How To Learn Scuba Diving: A Beginner's Guide - A group of people learning to scuba dive in a lake

How To Learn SCUBA Diving: A Beginner’s Guide

Scuba diving is an exciting and rewarding activity that offers incredible underwater experiences!  It is important for beginners to learn how to scuba dive and be competent in the essential skills so they are comfortable in the water!  Starting your…

Wearing A Wetsuit When SCUBA Diving - Several wetsuits laying out in the grass drying out

Wearing A Wetsuit When SCUBA Diving: The Ultimate Guide

Embarking on a scuba diving adventure can be an exhilarating experience! But the question is, what about wearing a wetsuit when scuba diving? It’s essential to consider the importance of proper attire and gear for your underwater explorations.  While it’s…

How to Prepare for Deep Sea Diving vs Scuba Diving - A scuba diver in the water with coral in for foreground

Deep Sea Diving vs Scuba Diving: How to Prepare

Deep sea diving and scuba diving are both thrilling underwater activities that allow you to explore the beauty of the aquatic world.  However, there are significant differences between the two, which affect the required training, equipment, and diving limits.  By…

SCUBA Diving vs Free Diving: What’s The Difference?

Scuba diving and free diving are ways to explore the underwater world, but they are quite different. Scuba diving involves using specialized equipment to breathe underwater, while free diving relies on holding your breath for extended periods. Let’s explore the…

Scuba diver floating on his back near the ocean floor

Is SCUBA Diving Hard?

This is an excellent question we get asked whenever we talk about diving with a non-diver. The idea that scuba diving might be hard is one of the reasons people avoid trying it! But really, learning to scuba dive is…

Is SCUBA Diving Expensive?

We have always been fortunate in that access to diving equipment was right at our fingertips, which has kept scuba diving less expensive. But now, as we start to scuba dive all around the world, it is time for us…

Is SCUBA Diving Dangerous? 5 Common Hazards

Scuba diving is an outdoor sport that takes you into a foreign environment. But is scuba diving dangerous? While there are dangers inherent in scuba diving, its a safe and fun sport that can be enjoyed nearly anyone. Proper training,…

Do I Need To Know Swimming For SCUBA Diving?

You might be wondering if knowing how to swim is a requirement for scuba diving. After all, being underwater for extended periods may seem intimidating for those who aren’t strong swimmers!  The good news is that you don’t have to…